Freelance Awtist

Terms of Service

The main purpose of these "ToS" are to protecc me and inform you at the same time. because she protecc, she attacc but mostly... she eat your snack

  1. If you consume my art or decide to commission me, it means that you have read and accepted the terms of service

  2. All the characters represented are fictitious, adults (+18), even if they do not look like it, and consenting even if they find themselves in situations that seem to demonstrate the opposite

  3. Request that are too complex might have the price & ETA changed accordingly

  4. No deadline, the ETA is TWO weeks from the moment i start working on it. If i go over a month you'll get 20% off next order !

  5. You can share my art or socials or even print it if you want to

  6. Like everyone else, i do not refund even if you don't like the final result. payment is upfront

  7. Payment via paypal/ko-fi

  8. You will get a 4k Illustration 300 dpi

  9. I might agree to draw something i don't show often

  10. Just ask me :)


I will probably update this as things goes since im too dumb to think on the moment.

I can't do

  1. Mechas (skill issue)

  2. Complex clothing (skill issue)